Sunday, July 3, 2016

Kanye West’s ‘Famous” Features 12 Nude Celebs Including Himself, Kim and Taylor Swift


Kanye West did it again. His new video Famous is the hottest topic of discussion these days. Not only was it eagerly awaited by his fans, but it also managed to stay the most closely guarded secret. Kanye West went the extra mile and made sure none of it was leaked, and no one would see it before he’s completely done with it. Apparently he was still polishing it and recutting some scenes the night before the release. Is that true, and is he such a perfectionist, or was he waiting until most of the press would fall asleep to launch it? We might never know. He’s now only streaming it at his live concerts and it’s also available on Tidal.

The video features Kanye West, naked, in bed with his wife Kim Kardashian West and other very famous people. It’s hard to tell whether these celebs took part in filming the Famous video, but you can see naked George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Taylor Swift, Ray J., Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner and Bill Cosby. The naked forms in bed look very realistic, to the point where you sort of wonder which ones are dolls or wax figures and which ones could actually be there. Our guess is that all of them are dolls, but we’ll see how this story unfolds. It’s Kanye, things will probably escalate quickly.

So why those particular people? It’s hard to tell. On one hand some of them are people he actually is or has been close with. Others just seem to be one of the most famous celebs in the US. But if you’ve been paying attention to Kanye through the years, you’ll notice that he’s had some strange encounters with all of this people. From Kanye saying “Bush doesn’t care about black people” to tweeting “Bill Cosby is innocent”. We all remember that incident with Taylor Swift right? One thing we know for sure is that Kanye’s video bears a striking resemblance to Vincent Desiderio’s painting “Sleep”, so we know he was trying to reference that.

So is Kanye trying to say that all these celebs have something in common? Or is this a statement in favor of these particular ones? Kanye isn’t in a hurry to explain. So far in his interview with Vanity Fair he just said “It’s a comment on fame.”
He know’s it controversial, he’s already tweeted “Can somebody sure me already #I’ll wait.” on Saturday, but then deleted the tweet later.

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